Sunday, February 26, 2012

Thoughtful, creative daughter

Rachael has become my crocheting buddy. I got her a little yarn and needle basket for Christmas when she was 6 and tried to teach her how to chain, but we decided to wait a little bit. Throughout the past 5 years, we have gone over it with the last couple of years showing much improvement, but she couldn't settle down for very long to keep at it. Now she has friends (Plus they recently had an Activity Day lesson about crocheting), that inspires her to keep at it. She told me that she doesn't have time to do it, but I told her, that if we sat down together and gave it just 10 minutes, that she would be able to start completing projects she had started. So now, we have been sitting on the couch crocheting, and she finished her first project. By default, it became a shawl. Rachael said, It kind of ruffles at the bottom from not doing it too great. (First project, I think it is great!) and what did my sweetie do?? She turned lemons into lemonade and said, I could make it a shawl for Gabi. I just need a button to go right here (and she pointed to the top of it). I thought, mmmhmmm. And then she went to our sewing box in the closet and came out with a button and then got some pink thread and the needle and brought it to me. She was trying to sew the button into the yarn of the shawl but couldn't get it to work. I ended up getting the button where she wanted, and then, voila! She had a completed project. Kudos to her for finding inspiration on what to do. (Because she needed to finish because she was nearing the end of her yarn). And so now Gabi has a new shawl, which she pranced around in last night at our ward Family Game Night, and then wore to church this afternoon. So cute! I love that Gabi is excited about it too. Today Gabi saw us crocheting and wanted to join and so I was trying to teach her. We'll see how that ends up... I still think she may need maybe one more year. She may get it sooner, especially if she sees Rachael and I doing it a lot, and she is determined. Dad calls us his "little grannies". I think of us a pioneer women club. :)

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